Frequently Asked Questions
We have organized these questions into headings to assist you in finding answers to your questions. The condominium documents along with the Rules and Regulations will also have some answers to your questions. It is recommended that you read through the Rules and Regulations (see link above) as some of the topics addressed in that document are not addressed here. See also, 2003 Declarations and Bylaws, and 2005 Amended Declaration
Simply click on the questions below and the answer will appear. Click on the question again to have the answer disappear.
Meridian Governing Legal Documents
What are the Meridian governing documents? I have misplaced the copy that I was given.The Meridian exists and is governed by the Declaration of Condominium Ownership for the Meridian Condominium (Declaration) and the Bylaws of the Meridian Condominium, Inc. (Bylaws), both as amended. You can click on these documents within the Owner’s Only portal on this website to view them.
Are there any laws that affect the Meridian?Ohio Condominium Act Revisions, also known as House Bill 135, became effective on July 20, 2004.
Click here to see the full text.
How would you describe the Meridian?The Meridian is a luxury high-rise condominium with individually owned single-family Suites and commonly held amenities and other common areas. Suites may not be occupied by more than two (2) people per bedroom. Suites may not be used to conduct any business to which customers or clients are invited. The occupants of a Suite may not create noise that interferes with the quiet enjoyment of occupants of other Suites.
Building Terminology
What is a riser?The term riser refers to the vertical stacking of Suites in our building and Suites with the same last two numbers. For example, Suite 906 is in the ‘06’ riser as are Suites 106 through 1706. Therefore, if a notice for a water shut down for the 01 and 03 risers is posted, that indicates Suites 101, 201, 301, etc. to the 17th floor and Suites 103, 203, 303, etc. to the 17th floor would be without water for a specific period of time.
What is the Lower Level?We refer to the level below ground level as the lower level and not as the basement. The lower level is home to many of our amenities, as well as interior access to the underground garage and building management offices.
Why do people refer to the Meridian as an Association?All condominiums buildings have associations that govern the policies of the condominium project, allocate expenses for maintenance, and collect the monthly, quarterly, or annual association fees that each owner pays for building, insurance and community maintenance. An Association is governed by, and acts through, an elected Board of Directors, which employs the building Manager and staff. The Meridian is an Association consisting of all the Suite owners as members and is responsible for the operation of the Meridian.
What is the difference between common areas and limited common areas?
Common Areas refers to the land described in the Declaration and all areas, facilities, places and structures that are not part of a Suite.
Limited Common Areas refers to those parts of the common areas reserved for the use of a certain Suite to the exclusion of other Suites. The balconies, garage parking spaces, and storage lockers are limited common areas.
What are the Meridian Amenities?Amenities refer to those common areas designed and set aside for recreational activities. The Meridian Amenities include the swimming pools, the whirlpool, the locker rooms, the saunas, the hobby room, the billiards room, the exercise room, the racquet ball court, the party room, the tennis court, the patio grills and picnic area, and the lawns.
What does that mean to park my vehicle on the deck?The Deck refers to the parking surface to the south and east of the building which is primarily the roof of the garage. Therefore, if residents are asked to remove their vehicle from the garage and park on the deck, they are being asked to park outside on the Meridian property.
What is the difference between the Reception Desk and the Front Desk?The Meridian’s main focus for customer service can be found at the large counter in the North West corner of the lobby where we employ a staff person for 24 hour service. The
Rules and Regulations refer to this as the Reception Desk. However, other printed materials and the common usage among residents call this the Front Desk. Both terms refer to the same thing.
Maintenance Fees
What are the maintenance fees for?The maintenance fee is used to cover both individual owner and community expenses that ensure the operation, safety, and value of our property. The monthly fee covers each owner’s water, sewer, and gas bills. It guarantees that you and your guests can enjoy many high-quality and well-maintained amenities. The fee funds the daily building operations and maintenance as well as Contingency and Reserve (C & R) fund for repair or replacement of structural building elements and the grounds.
Where can I drop off my monthly maintenance fee?Place your maintenance fee payment along with your maintenance fee billing notice in an envelope and drop it into the convenient drop slot in the hallway behind the Reception Desk.
What is the C & R fund?The Board of Directors has the responsibility to adopt and amend budgets for revenues, expenditures, and reserves in an amount adequate to repair and replace major capital items in the normal course of operations without the necessity of special assessments. The Contingency and Reserve (C&R) Fund is set up for the purpose of having funds available for the repair and replacement of common areas and facilities. The amount allocated to the C&R Fund each year is determined by the Board of Directors during the yearly budgeting process. These funds are deposited into interest-bearing accounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and any interest earned will be accumulated in the reserve account.Our documents state that the amount in the C&R Fund must not be less than $250,000 or any other higher minimum amount established by the Board of Directors. In the event there are extraordinary expenditures charged against the reserve account that reduce it below the minimum established amount, the Board shall assess each Unit Owner for his pro-rata share of the deficiency based on his percentage of ownership.
What does the Meridian provide in terms of security?The Meridian Condominium is equipped with a sophisticated security system consisting of over 20 cameras positioned throughout the property. The Reception Desk staff monitors the various cameras through a large computer screen at all times. All cameras record 24/7 and the captured images are recorded and maintained on a computer hard drive for a specific period of time in the event there is a need to investigate. The cameras are not designed to be intrusive but rather to make the Meridian a safer and more secure environment to call home. Management is notified of problems that are seen on the cameras as appropriate.
Suite - Interior
Can the Meridian staff enter my Suite when I am not there?The Association may enter a Suite when there is imminent risk of danger or harm to common areas, another Suite, or to the health or safety of the occupants of the Suite or another Suite. The Association will provide the Suite owner with prior notice, if possible. The Suite owner must provide the Reception Desk with keys necessary to enter the Suite in the event of emergency. These keys are coded and kept in a locked box. The Suite key(s) can be signed out only by the resident, his designee, or the Association in case of emergency. If the owner does not provide emergency access to the Suite, the owner will be responsible for any damage caused by the Association’s emergency entry. A courtesy notice will be placed on your Suite door in the event emergency access was necessary.
I was just informed that my furnace air conditioner is leaking water onto the Suite below mine. What does this mean?If the condensate hose from your furnace/air conditioner becomes blocked, the condensate water will flow out onto the furnace floor and eventually into your Suite and/or down to the Suite(s) directly below. Blockage can occur in any season as your humidifier (if one is installed) drains through the same hose system and the air conditioner. To keep the drain hoses clear, place one cup of household bleach into the water pan of the Suite every month to eliminate any buildup of mildew or other material which could block the hose. See Air Conditioner Maintenance Instructions which has the complete instructions and pictures to clarify what should be done.
How do I register overnight guests at the Reception Desk?Temporary visitors are welcome for a short visit but not additional residents who exceed the limits. Contact the Reception Desk to notify them of your guests. Per our documents and laws governing the City of Lakewood, Meridian Suites shall be occupied and used as single-family dwellings. Suites shall not be occupied by more than two (2) people per bedroom.
My kitchen sink is backed up. What should I do?Call the Reception Desk to alert the staff of the problem. Adjoining Suites have conjoined kitchen drain pipes. For example, a blocked drain in a 05 riser Suite could affect the kitchen drain of a 06 Suite that shares the drain pipe on the same floor. Please see
Kitchen Sink Backup Procedure which explains this in detail.
What does it mean when I receive a notice of water shut-off?If repairs are necessary to water pipes in a particular riser, all Suites in this riser will be without water for a short period of time as defined by the building manager. The water shut-off could be for the whole riser or for only water in the kitchen or one of the bathrooms. You will always receive a notice at your door regarding water shut-offs that affect your Suite. If the shut-off affects more Suites in the building a notice will also be posted in the elevators. Note: the word riser refers to all Suites in a vertical column. For example, Suite 906 is in the ‘06’ riser as are Suites 106 through 1706.
What are my responsibilities if something happens in my Suite that causes damage to another Suite?The Suite owner is responsible to maintain the Suite and keep it in good repair. Damage to a Suite caused by the negligence of or lack of appropriate maintenance or repair by a resident in a Suite above or adjacent to a damaged Suite is the responsibility of the owner of the Suite where the neglect occurred. For example, water damage to a Suite on the fourth floor caused by a broken dishwasher hose or an overflowing toilet in a Suite on the fifth floor is the responsibility of the owner of the fifth floor Suite.If there is major damage to several Suites, if may be necessary for Suite owners to contact their insurance companies. Please work with the building manager to resolve this type of problem.
Are there any Restrictions on holiday decorations in my Suite or on my Suite door?Live cut holiday wreaths and trees are not permitted due to the inherent fire danger. Small lights may be added to balcony railings. Decorations may be placed on the Suite door as long as there is no damage to the door. Decorations must be removed promptly after the holiday.
Why do we have gas furnaces, but cannot have gas stoves?The building design did not allow for gas lines to come up through the kitchens. It is not possible to change that now.
Suite - Balcony
Where can I get the appropriate paint for my furnace room door?The Association will periodically paint furnace room doors. Owners may not paint furnace room doors or balcony railings.
Are there any restrictions as to what materials I can put on my balcony floor?With the exception of exterior edges, the balcony floor may be covered or painted. The balcony may not be screened in or enclosed. Be advised that should repairs be needed to the balcony concrete, the floor covering must be removed.
Are there any restrictions as to what I can place on my Balcony?Balcony furniture must be sturdy enough to withstand high winds. Glass inserts on tables are prohibited. Wind chimes, hanging flower pots, decorative banners, and other lightweight or hanging objects are prohibited. Objects may not be installed on the balcony railing or extend beyond or hang over the balcony railing, with the following exceptions:(a) The American Flag may be displayed in accord with section 5301.072, Ohio Revised Code, and Title 4 U.S.C.A. 5-10;
(b) Holiday lights that are well secured may be hung between December 1 and January 15.Nothing must be attached to or hung from the walls of the balcony, including but not limited to signs, awnings, canopies, shutters, satellite dishes, radio or TV antennas.The balcony may not be used as a store room. Items including but not limited to rubbish receptacles and bicycles may not be left out on the balcony.Food for animals, including but not limited to bird seed and pet food, may not be left on the balcony. No resident shall attempt to attract wildlife to a balcony.Pets are not permitted to urinate or defecate on the balcony. Litter boxes may not be kept on the balcony.
I love to grill all year round. Can I grill on my balcony?In accordance with Lakewood ordinance, cooking and the use of barbarque grills are prohibited on the balcony. You will find several grills available for your use on the west patio outside the party room.
What activities are prohibited on the balcony?Any activity that causes water, dirt, or debris to fall over the edge of the balcony is prohibited, including but not limited to:(a) Shaking out dust mops, dust cloths, and area rugs;
(b) Hosing down the balcony;
(c) Tossing ashes or cigarette butts off the balcony.
Can I install a satellite dish for my personal use?Pursuant to 47 CFR 1.4000, an antenna or satellite dish to receive video programming is permitted on the balcony so long as the antenna or dish does not extend beyond the balcony railing and does not require drilling into the exterior wall of the building or balcony floor. All satellite dishes must be in a container of neutral color. Lessees should seek the permission of the owner prior to installing a satellite dish.
Can I install a telephone jack on my balcony?Owners or residents must not install wiring for electrical, telephone, television systems, air conditioning or the like on the exterior walls or roof of the building without prior written consent by the Board of Directors.
Suite - Door and Hallways
Can I leave my Suite door open to get some extra air flow?All hallway doors must remain closed at all times to maintain the building’s positive air fire prevention capability. Our hallways are pressurized to prevent a fire within a Suite from flowing out into the hallways.
Can I change the color of my Suite hall door?No changes may be made to the color, the door knocker, or door handle on the hall side of the door. The Association will periodically paint at its expense the exterior side of the entrance doors. However, the Suite owner will be responsible for any damage to the door beyond normal wear and tear. With the exception of seasonal wreaths or decorations, no signs, notices, advertisements, or posters may be affixed to the entrance door of the Suite. Live wreaths are not permitted.
Can I leave my boots in the hallway? Can I place a floor mat in front of my door?For both safety and appearance reasons, hallways are to be kept free and clear if all objects.
Would there be a problem with allowing my child to play in the hallway outside my Suite?Yes. Residents must not run, throw balls, roller skate, or ride tricycles or bicycles in the hallways. Residents must not make loud noise in the hallways.
Suite - Keys
Why should I give the Meridian keys to my Suite?The Association may enter a Suite when there is imminent risk of danger or harm to common areas, another Suite, or to the health or safety of the occupants of the Suite or another Suite. The Association will provide the Suite owner with prior notice, if practicable. All owners are requested to leave a spare key(s) at the Reception Desk necessary to enter the Suite in the event of emergency. These keys are coded and kept in a locked box. The key(s) can be signed out only by the resident, his designee, or the Association in case of emergency. The Meridian staff will enter only when accompanied by the Manager or a Board member when available. If the owner does not provide emergency access to the Suite, the owner will be responsible for any damage caused by the Association’s emergency entry. A courtesy notice will be placed on your door handle in the event that emergency access was necessary.
Keys to Your MailboxThe Meridian maintains a copy of your mailbox key in a locked box for your convenience and to ensure that the key is not lost if you move away.
How do I use my key fob to enter the Meridian from the outside?The Meridian has converted to an electronic system of entry. Each Suite owner is given two key fobs when they move in. There are readers at the entrance to all outside doors. Simply wave your fob close to the reader. This will activate the door opener so that you may enter the building. These key fobs are individually programmed and will be reprogrammed for the next user should you move away.
Can I authorize someone to gain entry to my Suite while I am out of town?If you wish a nonresident to have access to your Suite when you are not home, please fill out a form at the Reception Desk. The Receptionist will admit that person to the building and allow them to go to your Suite.
In-Suite Maintenance
Can the Maintenance staff help me with a minor repair to my Suite? Examples: Fix a running toilet, clear a stopped drain, etc.)As a service to residents, the Meridian maintenance staff is available to perform small repair and maintenance jobs in individual Suites. Information on the cost for this service is available at the Reception Desk. A resident desiring In-Suite maintenance should fill out a Work Order Form at the Reception Desk and sign an Authorization for Entry and Repair of Suite and Liability Release Form. Except in the case of emergency, work will be performed in the order requested and as time permits. You will be notified of the scheduled day when the staff is expected to begin work in your Suite. On completion of any In-Suite maintenance, a courtesy card will be left for the resident indicating that the job has been completed.
Does the Meridian maintain a list of vendors who have successfully worked in the building?The Reception Desk maintains a list of service providers who have working in our building. However, the Meridian Association cannot recommend any service provider. See the list of Meridian Service Providers on this web site and at the Reception Desk.
Contractors Hired to Work in Your Suite
Are there any restrictions on remodeling my Suite?A Suite Owner must not make any alterations or renovations to the Suite that may impair the structural integrity of the building. The owner must not make any alterations, repairs or renovations that affect any of the common areas or limited common areas. Please work directly with the building manager to answer any questions regarding proposed change(s). For a detailed description of the structural elements belonging to the Suite and those belonging to common area, see Articles VI and VII of the Declaration.
Can I just buzz my contractor into the Meridian?Contractors and service people must park their vehicles on the west side of the building near the service entrance. Overflow parking for contractors is on the south side of the parking deck. Service people may enter and exit only through the service door on the west side of the building. All service people must check in at the Reception Desk.The Reception Desk will allow a service person to proceed to a resident’s Suite only if:
(a) The resident is home and instructs the Receptionist to send the person to the Suite; or(b) The resident has completed a form at the Reception Desk authorizing the person to enter the Suite in the resident’s absence.Except in the case of emergency, any remodeling or repair work may be performed only between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, and 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM on Saturday. If you need to have repairs made on Saturdays, it is much appreciated if those repairs cause the minimum of noise.
Can my contractor work in my Suite any time it is convenient for me?Except in the case of emergency, any remodeling or repair work may be performed only between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, and 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM on Saturday.
Can my contractor place rubbish from my remodeling job in the Meridian Trash Bins?Contractors are required to haul away construction and other debris, such as old carpeting, cabinets, and plumbing fixtures. Please inform your contractor ahead of time that “haul away" is part of the job unless arrangements have been made with the building manager.
Can I smoke in the common areas?Smoking is prohibited in all interior and exterior common areas. There are cigarette valets at each entrance to the building for your convenience.
Can I smoke in my Suite?Yes. However, be advised that especially in the 05-06 risers and the 11-12 risers there is a connecting air duct from the kitchens that allows smoke to be pulled from one Suite into the other.
Where is the laundry room on my floor?The laundry room on each floor is located in the approximate middle of the building. There are two washers and two dryers on floors 2-16. The first floor has only one set.Only high-efficiency liquid detergent must be used in the washing machines. To prevent mildew, leave washing machine doors ajar after use. Please leave all laundry facilities clean and tidy after use by wiping up spills, removing animal hair from the washer, and cleaning out the dryer lint trap. To accommodate others on your floor, please remove your laundry from machines promptly. In the event a washer or dryer does not operate properly, please call the 800 number located on the machine and notify the Reception Desk. Don’t forget to remove lint from the dryers after each use.
How can I use the laundry room machines since they do not take coins?The washers and dryers on the residential floors operate with a laundry smart card. Residents may purchase this card at the Reception Desk. There is a machine in the Lower Lobby Laundry Room where you can reload the card. This machine accepts denominations of $5, $10 or $20 only – no singles. You can also use your credit card to load money on to your laundry smart card. The machine can provide a receipt.Follow the instructions on the laundry machines to use the cards. If you are having difficulty, perhaps a neighbor can show you how it works.
I do not feel comfortable with being shut in the laundry room by myself. Can I prop the laundry room door open?Please keep the laundry room door closed. To comply with the Lakewood Fire Code, the laundry room door may not be propped open. This door helps maintain the positive pressure in the hallway as well as protecting the hallway from a possible fire or smoke in the trash chute.
Is there a washing machine and dryer that accommodate blankets or comforters?A large capacity washer and dryer are located in a room opposite the elevators on the lower level. The large capacity machines may be used for washing and drying blankets, area rugs, and other large items. These machines are coin-operated. Change for the machines may be obtained at the Reception Desk. This room also contains a machine for the sale and loading of laundry smart cards to be used in the laundry machines on the residential floors.
Is it permissible to dye some material in the laundry room?Dyeing or tinting of any kind is prohibited in the washing machines and sanitary tubs.
Carts and Hand Trucks
What is the easiest way to get my groceries and small purchases to my Suite?Most people have purchased a small wire shopping cart to transport groceries and other purchases from their car to their Suite. Shopping carts may be hung in your garage space when not in use.
Does the Meridian have any carts for Suite Owner use?There is a Cart Room on the lower level across from the elevators that has some large grocery carts and two carts with places for hanging clothing bags. They may be used to transport your things to and from the Suite, but they must be returned immediately once you have completed the task.
Does the Meridian have a hand truck or dolly for larger, heavier items?There is a hand truck in the mail storage room which can be borrowed to move delivered items to the Suite. The hand truck must be returned once the task is completed.
Recycling, Garbage, and Trash
Does the Meridian have a recycling program?The Meridian recycles paper, glass, metal, and plastic. Newspapers and other clean paper should be placed in brown paper bags or tied with string as loose paper blows onto the property when the dumpsters are emptied. Place your newspapers in the large blue bin located just inside the service entrance. This area may be accessed through the service elevator rear door or through the hall by the mail room. Recyclables other than paper should be bagged and placed in the bin(s) labeled “Recycle" outside the service entrance.
What am I allowed to put down the trash chute?The trash chutes off the laundry rooms lead to a trash compactor on the first floor. Trash chutes may be used only between 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM. Trash must be sealed securely in a plastic bag before being placed in the chute. If you experience a problem with the chute, immediately notify the Reception Desk.OK for the trash chute: Garbage and other household trash. Cigarette and cigar butts must be fully extinguished and bagged before being placed in the chute. Not permitted in the trash chute: Newspapers, cardboard boxes, wire coat hangers, books, wood, small appliances, and any other items that cannot be compacted may not be put down the chute. Large items should not be forced down the chute.
What should I do with rubbish that cannot go down the trash chute?Residents should place items of rubbish that do not fit in, or are not permitted down, the chute in the outdoor trash bins on the west side of the building outside the service entrance. Large items (e.g., furniture and mattresses) may be placed on the ground near the trash bins.Contractors are required to haul away construction and other debris, such as old carpeting, cabinets and plumbing fixtures. Please inform your contractor ahead of time that “haul away" is part of the job unless arrangements have been made with the building manager.
Note: A filled out pet registration form is required for all dogs and cats. The form is available at the Reception Desk.
How many dogs may I have?Meridian residents may have one dog that does not exceed a mature weight of 30 pounds and no more than two domestic cats. Birds in cages, fish in aquariums, and other common pets such as hamsters, gerbils and turtles are permitted as long as said pets are confined to cages or tanks. There are no restrictions for an animal kept as an “animal assistant," as defined in Ohio Administrative Code 4112-05-02.
Where can I walk my dog on Meridian property?Dogs must be leashed or held when out of your Suite and cannot run free anywhere on the property. Please use the service elevator, unless it is marked unavailable, for taking your pet from your Suite to the dog run area located behind the service entrance. If your dog has an accident in the elevator, please report this to the Reception Desk immediately for cleanup.Dogs must be exercised only in the dog run area. This area has gate, equipment for picking up waste, and a trash bin to enable cleaning up after the pet. Please review the
Dog Run Etiquette before taking your dog to the dog run.Please take your dog to the dog run area immediately upon exiting the building and prior to walking them up to Lake Avenue. Pet owners must not permit dogs to urinate or defecate in areas other than in the dog run. Pet owners are responsible for immediate and complete clean-up of animal feces. Pets are not permitted on the lawns or in the flower beds.
Is my dog restricted from any Meridian area?With the exception of animal assistants, pets are not permitted in the lobby or front entrance, the front office, the party room or gallery, the lower level recreational areas, the picnic and pool areas, or areas east of the building.
Can I let my pet go out onto my balcony?Yes, but ensure that the pet is safe and is big enough not to fall through the railings. Please note: Pets are not permitted to urinate or defecate on the balcony. Litter boxes may not be kept on the balcony. No pet shall be tied, fenced, or housed on a balcony or outside a condominium Suite.
Can I wash and groom my pet in the laundry room tub?No. Washing or grooming pets in the laundry room is prohibited.
Can I let my pet off leash at the Meridian?Pets must be on a leash, carried, or in a carrier at all times on Meridian property outside your Suite. Pets are not to be walked through the lobby unless the service elevator is not available.
Can I dog-sit a pet overnight or longer?No Suite owner shall permit a dog not permanently residing in the Suite to remain in the Suite overnight. The guest dog must conform to the Meridian rules regarding weight.
What happens if my dog barks while I am at work?Any pet causing or creating a persistent nuisance or unreasonable disturbance, or violating the Rules, shall be permanently removed from the Condominium Property upon three (3) days written notice by the Board.
Will the elevators work if we lose power?If the Meridian loses power, a generator will provide power to the Service elevator until the power is restored. Press the central call buttons to operate the service elevator during a power outage.
Why is the service elevator out of service all the time?The service elevator is blocked out of service when there is a move-in or a move-out. It is also out of service when deliveries for several large items are expected.
Why do I have to wait so long for the elevator to come?The elevators are very busy during the morning and evening rush. However, some people routinely push the elevator call button for both the passenger and service elevators at the same time thinking that it will speed up when an elevator will arrive at their floor. This action ties up two elevators keeping other residents from having speedy access to the elevators.
Is my pet restricted to riding in only the service elevator?Yes. Residents should use the service elevator when transporting pets. This gives easy access to the dog run on the west side of the property. Pets should be on a leash, carried, or in a carrier at all times on Meridian property when outside your Suite. Immediately inform the Reception Desk if your pet has an accident in the elevator so the carpet can be cleaned.
Building Bulletin Boards – Posting Notices
Where are the building bulletin boards?The bulletin board, located in the hallway adjacent to the mailroom, may be used for posting information of specific interest to other residents, such as notices of used items for sale, Suites within the building for sale, or exercise classes conducted in the building. Residents wishing to post a notice should print it on a 3x5 card, being sure to include their name and Suite number. Three-by-five cards are available at the Reception Desk. The Manager and Board of Directors may also post notices of general interest or importance to residents on the bulletin board.
Posting NoticesResidents may not post signs, notices or advertisements in the common area.
Can I post a notice regarding a company sales event?Residents may not post commercial advertisements or notices of regular private profit-making activities.
Can I post a notice of a non-profit event such as a play or musical at the Beck Center?Posting of notices of events for non-profit organizations is permitted.
Can I post a sign in my window?Signs and posters, including but not limited to For Sale and For Rent signs, may not be displayed in windows.
Deliveries – Small Items (Including US Mail, UPS, FedEx, etc.)
How do I get my mail?The mail is delivered to your mail box in the mail room located behind the Reception Desk.
Is there a US Mailbox located in the building?Yes. It is located in the mail room.
Is it possible to leave a letter for another resident at the Reception Desk?Yes. The Receptionist will accept the letter and mark it with the recipient’s Suite number. Each day a list of mail and packages accepted by the Reception Desk is posted on the bulletin board. The Suite number will be included on this list.
Can the Receptionist sign for registered mail if I am not at home?The Receptionist will sign for certified or registered mail only if the resident has signed a permission slip authorizing the Receptionist to do so.
Can the Receptionist receive a package from USPS/UPS/FedEx for me?The Reception Desk will receive packages delivered for residents and post notice of these deliveries on the bulletin board in the mail hallway.
Can I have UPS/FedEx pick up packages for which I have a pre-paid waybill?Yes. Give your package to the Receptionist and the package will be given to a representative of UPS/FedEx when they come to the building.
How can I have food (pizza) delivered to my Suite?The pizza delivery person should come to the front door and use the call board to call your phone. You can then direct him where your Suite is located and buzz the person in.
What can I do about a perishable delivery while I am not at home?If the Party room is not in use, the Receptionist will have the perishable item placed in the Party Room refrigerator for you. If the Party Room is unavailable, the item will be placed in the maintenance office refrigerator.
What happens if flowers are delivered and I am not at home?The Reception Desk will receive local deliveries of dry cleaning, flowers and the like, and post notice of these deliveries on the bulletin board. Residents are called for floral deliveries.
Can the delivery person bring my package/delivery to my Suite?The Reception Desk will allow a delivery person to deliver an item to a resident’s Suite only if the resident is home and instructs the Receptionist to send the delivery person to the Suite. Or, the resident has completed a form at the Reception Desk authorizing the delivery person to enter the Suite in the resident’s absence.
Can I have something delivered after 9 pm?Unless arrangements have been made with the Manager in advance, no deliveries will be made or accepted before 8 AM or after 6 PM, Monday through Saturday.
Can the Reception Desk hold my mail while I am on vacation?If you plan to be away from the Meridian for more than a few days, please complete an Away Slip at the Reception Desk requesting that any mail or newspapers that cannot fit in your mailbox be held at the Reception Desk. Every effort will be made to leave first class mail in your box and hold newspapers, catalogues and other materials in the package room.
Deliveries – Large items (Furniture, Appliances, etc.)
What do I need to do if I am expecting a delivery of a new refrigerator or other large item?Only the service elevator may be used for moving or transporting large items. All furniture and other items must be brought in and out through the service entrance on the west side of the building.Large items may only be transported between 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, and 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Saturday. If you are moving or having multiple items delivered, contact the Reception Desk to schedule use of the service elevator. If you will not be home at the time of delivery, complete a form at the Reception Desk authorizing the delivery person to enter the Suite in your absence. Unless arrangements have been made with the Manager in advance, no deliveries will be made or accepted before 8 AM or after 6 PM, Monday through Friday and before 10 am on Saturday. Note: the service elevator may not be reserved on Saturdays for deliveries of multiple items.
What should I do with my old large appliance that was just replaced?Residents replacing a large appliance must arrange for the deliverer of the new appliance to haul away the old one.
What should I do with my old furniture when my new living room furniture is delivered next week?Arrangements should be made for the old furniture to be hauled away by the company delivering the new furniture.
Why are the driving lanes on the garage ramp on the wrong side?There are two reasons for this. One, originally there was a key card reader at the top of the ramp on the driver’s side (the left side of the ramp). Two, the change in driving lanes also helps negotiate the sharp turns in the garage once you enter it. As you exit the garage you must switch to the right lane at the tree beyond the top of the ramp. Make sure your headlights are on when driving in the garage and observe the posted speed limit.
Why do I have to register my vehicle with the Reception Desk?The Meridian needs to identify vehicles belonging to its residents for security reasons and the identification of a vehicle requiring owner attention. Therefore, residents are asked to register all motor vehicles with the Reception Desk. Following any change in vehicle or license plates, residents must update their vehicle information at the Reception Desk.
How can I get a different parking space in the garage?Your Suite has a specific parking space assigned to it in the Meridian documents and was so indicated when you purchased your Suite. If you have two assigned parking spots and need only one, you can make arrangement with another Suite owner to trade parking spaces. However, if you sell your Suite, only the original parking space(s) assigned to your Suite are to be listed and transferred in the sale.
Can I build a storage locker/cabinet in my garage parking space.Besides vehicles, the only items that may be stored in an assigned garage space are shopping carts and bicycles hung on hooks. Our Maintenance staff is available to install the wire supports if your space does not have them.
Can anyone else park their car in my parking space?
Use of a Suite’s assigned garage space(s) is limited to vehicles that belong to residents of the Suite and their guests. All vehicles parked in a Suite’s assigned space must be registered with the Reception Desk.
The garage door closes quickly. Could it hit the top of my car?Yes. Make sure you are using the garage door opener as you descend the ramp. Do not attempt to follow a car into the garage without using your garage door opener, as the door will probably begin to close with your car under it. The short cycle is designed to keep intruders out.
How can I charge my all electric Car?All electric cars were not in use when the Meridian was built and therefore, there is no accommodation for them. Residents wishing to charge electric cars on the premises must install at their expense their own metered outlets. Existing outlets in the garage are not for electric cars. Application must be made to the Board for the installation to be completed by our authorized vendor.
Where is the best place to make some minor repairs to my vehicle?Washing vehicles, changing oil, or engaging in any mechanical repairs is prohibited in the assigned garage space. Repairing of vehicles in the garage is prohibited.
Where can I wash my car?A dock with hoses for washing vehicles is located immediately to the left of the garage entrance. There is also a wet/dry vacuum (shop vacuum) available for use in the car wash. The key to the room where it is stored is available at the Reception Desk.
Will my garage space be cleaned on a regular basis?The maintenance staff will periodically hose down or sweep the garage. Any oil leaks or spills in the assigned garage space must be cleaned immediately at the owner’s expense.
Can I ride my bicycle in the garage for exercise?Bicycles, tricycles, scooters, skate boards, and similar riding toys may be ridden on the sidewalks only. They may not be ridden in the parking lot, on the lawns, or in the garage.
Where can I store my bicycle?Bicycles may be stored only on hooks in the resident’s assigned garage space.
Parking – Vehicles on the Deck
Do I have to park my vehicle in my garage space?Residents may park their registered vehicles either in their assigned garage space or on the outdoor deck.
Where can my guests park?Guests are free to park on the Meridian parking deck. They should be reminded that unless they have the appropriate handicap sign, they should not park in the handicap spaces. Also, guests who park for more than 15 minutes should not park in the 15 minute parking spaces. Their car could be ticketed and/or towed.
Where can my guests park for an extended stay?Owners and residents who have extended-stay guests should notify the reception desk which make, model, color, and license plate number of guest’s vehicle. Guests may park in the parking lot.
Where can my disabled guest park on the deck?There are several spaces reserved near the main entrance for vehicles displaying valid Disabled Parking licenses or Disability Placards. Residents are not to assume that they can park in these spaces permanently. They are for temporary use only.
Is there short term parking available on the deck?There are 15 minute parking spaces near the main entrance. These spaces are monitored and vehicles will be ticketed or towed if found to be in violation of the time.
Where should my contractor park?The service parking area adjacent to the service entrance on the west side of the building is reserved for service and contractor vehicles.
Are there any restrictions as to the type of vehicles that can be parked on the parking deck?Unless prior written authorization of the Board is received, all motor vehicles belonging to residents and parked on Meridian deck must bear current license plates.
Motor vehicles licensed, painted or signed for commercial use may be parked only in the resident’s assigned garage space; they must not be parked on the deck.
The following vehicles may not be operated, parked, or stored on Meridian property: inoperable vehicles, vehicles with expired plates, trucks larger than ¾-ton carrying capacity, busses, boats or boat trailers, jet skis, campers or camper trailers, house or horse trailers, ATV’s, dune buggies, and snowmobiles. See the building manager for any temporary exceptions.
Are there any no parking areas?Parking is prohibited in fire lanes, on the sidewalks or lawn, and in any area not specifically designated for parking. If the parking lot is full, cars may be parked on Lake Avenue.
Reception Desk
When is the staff at the Reception Desk available?The Reception Desk is located in the main lobby and staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The desk staff provides a number of services to owners, residents, and guests. Staff members are well trained and provide information, monitor all building security cameras, assist with packages and deliveries, and maintain contact with other on-site staff.
Amenities – General Information
Can anyone use the Meridian’s amenities?Residents in good standing and their guests are entitled to use the amenities. Guests using Meridian amenities must be accompanied by a resident, unless the resident has registered their guest at the Reception Desk. Residents have priority over guests in the use of amenities. Please be certain that your guests do not prevent residents from enjoying an amenity. Any person using an amenity in such a way as to create a perceived danger or nuisance to themselves or others may be asked to leave the amenity.
Are there any rules general governing the use of Meridian amenities?Disorderly conduct, boisterousness, littering, or any other disruptive behavior is prohibited. Equipment may be used only according to manufacturer’s directions and posted signs. Amenities must be left in neat, clean, and orderly condition after use. Personal items must be removed when the resident leaves the amenity. Any damage or malfunction of an amenity must be reported to the Reception Desk so that it may be repaired or replaced as promptly as possible. Residents use the amenities at their own risk.
What are considered to be amenities?The following are considered to be amenities: Swimming Pools, the Whirlpool, the Locker Rooms, the Saunas, the Hobby Room, The billiard Room, the Exercise room, the Racquet Ball Court, the Party Room, the Tennis Court, the Patio Grills and Picnic Area, and the lawns.
Amenities – Ground Level
Are there any rules governing the use of the indoor or outdoor pool?The indoor pool is available year round from 5:00 AM to midnight. The outdoor pool is available from Memorial Day through Labor Day from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. The 10:00 PM closing is a courtesy to residents living immediately above the pool. Residents and guests are requested to shower before entering the pools. Diving is prohibited. Minor children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. There is no lifeguard on duty at either pool.The maximum number of guests the Suite resident may have in the pool at one time is four (4). Food, alcohol and glass containers must be limited to the grassy area by the pool. Rafts and inner tubes are not permitted. All individuals with bladder or bowel control problems are prohibited from using the pools unless they are wearing appropriate, properly fitting protective garments such as swim diapers. Swing diapers may be purchased at the Reception Desk. No pets are allowed in the pool areas. Bathing suits must be worn in the pools. Swimming naked or in underwear or street clothes is prohibited.Shirts or cover-ups as well as shoes must be worn when traveling to and from the pools. Walking through the hallways or riding the elevator in uncovered bathing suits or with bare feet is prohibited. Before leaving the pool area, residents should dry off enough that they do not drip water on the hallway floor.
When can I use the tennis court?The tennis court is available for use after 8:00 AM during daylight hours. The maximum number of people on the court at one time is 4. The tennis court may be reserved at the Reception Desk. Residents must wear tennis shoes on the court. The tennis court is located on the northwest corner of the property next to the outdoor pool.
When may I use the picnic area?The picnic area (adjacent to the lake), patio (on west side of building) and grills are available from 8:00 AM until 10:00 p.m. Residents may reserve a gas grill and/or outdoor table at the Reception Desk for a period not to exceed three hours. Reservations may not be made more than 30 days in advance.
How do I get to the picnic area?Residents and guests must access the picnic area through the door on the northwest wall of the garage. They may not bring food and equipment through the indoor pool area.
Where are the outdoor gas grills?The grills use propane and are located on the west side of the building outside the Party Room and in the picnic area by the fence. Grills may be reserved at the Front Desk. Residents using the grills must clean the grills after use and dispose of all trash in the nearby trash cans. Any trash that does not fit securely in the trash cans must be bagged and disposed of pursuant to the
Rules and Regulations Section VIII, Recycling and Rubbish. All outdoor cooking must be confined to the provided grills. The use of personal portable grills is prohibited. People using the grills should avoid making noise that may disturb the people residing above the patio.
May I bring my own lawn furniture down to the picnic area?Residents may take their own portable lawn furniture to the picnic area as long as they remove it when they leave. Existing pool furniture may not be moved from the pool area to the picnic area.
May I reserve the Grills and Picnic area for my club meeting?Residents may not use the patio or picnic area for outside organization events.
Amenities – Lower Level
Where is the library at the Meridian?The Billiard Room is located in the lower level next to the door to the storage lockers. It has shelves with a wide variety of books donated by our residents. Feel free to borrow and return the books after reading them. We also encourage you to donate your books to the library once you have read them. There is no sign-out process for borrowing books. The Billiard Room is available 24 hours a day.
What is the Hobby Room used for?The hobby room may be used for social gatherings and for Association meetings. The room may not be used for any outside organizational purposes. The Hobby Room may be reserved at the Reception Desk. Residents must leave the Hobby Room in the same condition they found it. If a resident intends to have eight or more people in the room, the resident must reserve the room in advance, put down a deposit, and sign a Hobby Room Agreement. A resident using the room for a social gathering must be present in the room during said gathering. The maximum capacity of the hobby room is 18.
Why do we call the Hobby Room the Hobby Room?At one time this room was used for hobbies. It has since been redecorated into a more formal setting. However, our documents and longer term residents still refer to this room as the Hobby Room.
Do I have to have my own equipment to billiards in the Billiard Room?The billiard room is available 24 hours a day and has cue sticks available for use. We ask that no food or drink be placed on the billiard table. Also, sitting on the billiard table is prohibited. The billiard room may be reserved at the Reception Desk. The maximum capacity of the Billiard Room is 17. A resident may reserve both the hobby room and billiard room for the same time. The maximum capacity for both rooms is 35.
What kind of equipment do we have in the exercise rooms?The exercise room has both elliptical and treadmill machines, a gravitron, and a stair climber. There are free weights and a universal machine for residents’ use. The exercise room is open 24 hours a day. Exercise equipment is available on a first come, first serve basis. All exercise equipment must be used only in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions which are available in the rooms. Except for water in non-breakable containers, food and drink are prohibited in the exercise room. Residents are requested to turn off the lights, boom box, AC and TV when leaving the exercise room unoccupied. For safety reasons, minors must be supervised by an adult.
Is there a snack bar anywhere in the Meridian?We do not have a staffed snack bar, but there are two areas that offer coffee and snacks. The coffee room is unattended and provides several types of coffee daily for a modest fee on the honor system. The snack machines are located down the hall from the coffee room. There are two soda machines and one snack machine.
Where do I sign up to use the Racquetball Court?The court may be reserved at the Reception Desk. The racquet ball court is kept locked when not in use; the key is available at the Reception Desk. Residents must wear non-scuff tennis shoes on the court. No more than 4 people may play racquet ball at the same time. Food and drink are prohibited on the court. Friends who may wish to watch the players during the game may do so from the gallery on the lobby level.
How can I turn on the Whirlpool?The controls for the whirlpool are located on the northeast wall of the entrance to the indoor pool (same level as the whirlpool). The whirlpool is available from 5 am until midnight. Residents and guests are requested to shower before entering the whirlpool. For health reasons, children under the age of five, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with serious medical conditions are strongly advised against using the whirlpool. The maximum number of people in the whirlpool is 6. Food and drink (except water in non-breakable containers) are prohibited in the whirlpool. No soap or oil of any kind is permitted.
How can I use the sauna in the locker room?A sauna is a small room designed as a place to experience dry or wet heat sessions. The controls are on the outside of the room. The sauna is available from 5 am to midnight. The maximum number of people in the sauna at one time is 4. For reasons of health and safety, children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with serious medical conditions are strongly advised against using the sauna. For wet heat, pour water on the rocks only and not on the electrical heater. Please remember to shut off the sauna when you are done using it.
Where is the Locker Room?The men’s and women’s locker rooms are located on the lower level just outside the whirlpool at the north end of the building. The locker rooms are available from 5 am to midnight. There are restroom facilities and showers in both locker rooms. There are also lockers for temporary storage of equipment or clothing. Permanent locks are not permitted to be placed on lockers. Hair cutting, dyeing, tinting or bleaching is prohibited in the locker rooms.
Does the Meridian provide emergency information that we can keep handy?Each Suite has been given a card outlining the procedures to follow in case of emergency. Please place the card where it will be readily accessible in an emergency. If you do not have an Emergency Procedure Card, please obtain one from the Manager.
Medical - What do I do if I have a medical emergency in our Suite?If possible, call 911 and provide your name and building address along with the nature of your emergency. Then, if you are able, call (216) 228-4211, the Front Desk ,to inform them that emergency service has been notified. If possible, open the door to your Suite. If no phone is available and you are immobile, call out and wait for assistance. If your emergency information is up to date at the Reception Desk, they will be able to notify your emergency contact.
Medical - What should I do if I come across someone in the building who is in medical distress?If you find an individual requiring medical assistance, call 911, then (216) 228-4211 (Meridian Reception Desk) and wait for assistance. Do not move the individual unless their life is in danger.
Fire - What should I do if there is a fire in my Suite?If a fire starts in your Suite, leave your Suite, closing the door behind you. Pull the building fire alarm. There are three fire alarm boxes on each floor. One each at the north and south stairs (under the EXIT sign) and one that is located in the hallway near the elevators. Call 911 to report the location and description of the fire along with your name. If time allows, call (216) 228-4211 (Meridian Front Desk). Go to the nearest stairwell and, if able, proceed to down the stairs to the lobby. If you are unable to walk the stairs, stay in the stairwell and await the arrival of the fire department. Never use the elevators.
Fire - What do I do if the fire in my Suite is blocking my ability to leave?If the fire starts in your Suite and is blocking your exit, retreat to a room with a window. Seal off the bottom of the door with a towel and call 911. Provide your name and building address along with the nature of your emergency. Let the dispatcher know you are trapped. Slightly open a window and hang out a sheet. Stay low below the window where the air is most breathable. Await rescue.
Fire - If I hear the fire alarm and it is not a pre-announced test. Should I leave my Suite?If you hear the fire alarm sound, STAY IN YOUR SUITE with the door closed. Do not touch or open the Suite door. This is your safest option. Wait patiently for further instructions from the fire department. If there is a gap at the bottom of your Suite door, place a wet towel along the floor next to the door. Note: Our hallways are pressurized to contain a fire within a Suite. Opening your door would compromise that system.
Water/Plumbing – What should I do if I have water pouring out on to the floor of my Suite?Report water emergencies (i.e., sink backups, burst pipes, overflowing toilet) to the Front Desk immediately by calling (216) 228-4211. Turn off shutoff valves to stop the flow. Patiently wait for the staff to respond. Their priority will be to find the source of the leak or blockage and resolve the problem. The surrounding Suites will be checked to determine the extent of the problem and prevent further damage. If may become necessary to shut off water in the riser. Residents may be asked not to use sinks, toilets, showers, or garbage disposals until the problem is resolved.
Electrical - What happens if we lose electrical power due to a storm or other cause?The Meridian has a generator that will supply limited power to the service elevator, water to the Suites, some hallway lights, partial coverage to the locker rooms, garage, and the Meridian Reception Desk phone system. The water pressure from Lakewood only pushes the water so far and water may not reach floors 12-17 during a power outage. We encourage you to use the facilities in the locker rooms. We hope to resolve this in the near future. There will be no hot water once our storage tank empties.If you are physically disabled and affected by the outage, call the Front Desk at (216) 228-5548. If you have a medical emergency, call 911. If the electrical outage is a city problem, tune your AM radio to 1660 AM, Lakewood’s information station.
Storm -What should I do if I hear there is a major storm coming?Keep non-perishable food, water jugs or bottles, flashlights with extra batteries, blankets, warm clothing, a first-aid kit, non-electrical can opener, prescription drugs, and a battery operated radio on hand. Listen to emergency broadcasts on TV or Radio station AM 1660 for specific information on Lakewood. Do not leave the building. Do not attempt to move your motor vehicle.
Tornado - What should I do if there is a tornado warning of an imminent strike in Lakewood?Tune in to local TV or radio broadcasts (AM 1660) for Lakewood specific information. If a tornado is about to hit the Meridian, leave your Suite, close your door, and stay in the hallway away from windows. Do not use the elevators.If high winds are expected, bring in unsecured objects from balconies or secure furniture, if possible. Close the windows and move away from them.
Potential Bomb - What if I find a suspicious object or package in the Meridian?Do not move or touch the suspicious object(s). DO NOT use a cell phone or radio to notify the staff. Go directly to the Front Desk or Manager’s Office to report what you have found.
Earthquake – What actions should we take during an earthquake?Stay indoors and take cover under a heavy piece of furniture. Stay out of the kitchen and away from furniture that may fall over. Do not use the elevators. Do not try to hold your pet. If you become trapped under debris, tap on a pipe or concrete. Do not shout. After the quake, inspect your Suite for damage and gas leaks.
Gas Leak – I think that I have a gas leak. Who should I contact?If a gas leak is suspected, leave your Suite and call 911. DO NOT turn on/off any appliances, light switches, candles, matches, lighters or ovens. Do not use your telephone. As soon as you can, please notify the Front Desk (216-228-4211) of the problem.
How can I let my visitors in without coming down to the Lobby?The building is equipped with an Entraguard telephonic access control security system. This system allows you to control the locked front entrance to the building using your telephone. Your visitor can enter the code listed next to your name on the directory in the vestibule. This will call your land line or cell. You will identify the visitors and let them in by pressing 9 on your telephone before hanging up. Only telephone numbers with the 216 prefix can be used. For more information about this system, see the article on
Entraguard System and Security.
Private Parties
Can I borrow some of the Meridian’s chairs for a party I am having in my Suite?Yes. Please talk with our receptionist. As long as the party room is not booked, you may borrow chairs. They must be returned the next day after your party.
How can I ensure that my guests will be let in quickly?If you have invited a number of guests to a party in your Suite or the Party Room, it would be helpful to give the Receptionist a list of their names. That way the Receptionist can let your guests in should you be on the phone or already in the Party Room.
How can I reserve the Meridian Party Room for a private party?A Suite owner or Suite lessee (i.e., an adult signatory to a lease agreement with a Suite owner on file with the Association) may rent the party room for social gatherings by executing a Party Room Use Agreement with the Association. Complete rules and costs are contained in the Party Room Use Agreement, a copy of which is available at the Reception Desk. The individual renting the party room must be in attendance during the entire social function. The key to the party room may be obtained from the Reception Desk by the individual renting the room. There is a lost key charge. The individual renting the party room is responsible for any damage to the premises and for insuring that the social function does not interfere with the quiet enjoyment of other residents.
Can I use the Hobby Room for a small party that I am giving?The hobby room may be used for social gatherings. The hobby room may be reserved at the Reception Desk. Residents must leave the hobby room in the same condition they found it. If a resident intends to have eight or more people in the room, the resident must reserve the room in advance, put down a deposit and sign a Hobby Room Agreement. A resident using the room for a social gathering must be present in the room during said gathering. The maximum capacity of the hobby room is 18. You can also reserve the Billiard Room across the hall for your party which would expand your party size to 35.
Selling your Suite
What steps must I take to ensure a smooth sale environment if I want to list my Suite for sale?The Suite owner must notify the Manager that the Suite is available for sale within 10 days of the decision to sell and/or the signing of a listing agreement with a realtor. There are many more actions that a Suite owner must take. Please contact the Reception Desk for instructions. Also consult the Meridian
Rules and Regulations which outlines some of the steps.
What steps must I take to secure a date to move out after my Suite has been sold?All moves must be scheduled in advance with the Reception Desk. Moves will be scheduled on a first-come, first serve basis. No more than one move will be scheduled for any given day. All moves must be conducted between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. Moves must be completed no later than 6:00 pm. No moves are permitted on the weekends.
Tag Sales (Garage Sales)
Can I have a tag sale in my Suite?Residents are not allowed to hold a sale in their Suite of used household or personal articles to which the general public is invited.
Can we hold an estate sale for a Meridian Suite Owner?The heirs of a deceased owner resident may conduct an estate or liquidation sale in the Suite of the deceased provided that:(a) The heirs notify the Manager;(b) The sale is limited to no more than 3 consecutive days between the hours of 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM;(c) The heirs have at least two people present during the entire sale (in addition to salespeople in the Suite) to conduct people to and from the lobby.In the event members of the general public are found unescorted in any area of the building, the Manager may discontinue the sale.
Meridian Census
Why must I complete the Meridian Census?It is all of our best interests that the Meridian be able to contact a Suite Owner or Resident in case of problems in their Suite or in case of an emergency.Within 30 days of purchase, a Suite owner must complete a Building Census Form providing the Association with the following information:(a) The name of all occupants of the Suite;(b) The home address, home and business mailing addresses, and the home, cell and business telephone numbers of the Suite owner and all occupants of the Suite;(c) The name, business address, and business telephone number of any person who manages the owner’s Suite as an agent of that owner;(d) The license number and vehicle description of all vehicles owned or operated by residents of the Suite and maintained on Meridian property;Owners and residents are asked to keep this information up to date periodically or on changes to this information. The Association will not share information provided with other residents or third parties.
Leasing of a Meridian Suite
What do I do if I have been transferred to another city and need to lease my Suite until it is sold?There are several steps to be taken. Please work with the Manager and the Reception Desk prior to leasing your Suite. Please ask for a copy of the
Leasing Policy.
Building Repairs and Maintenance
I just noticed a problem in a common area that may need repairs. What should I do?Residents observing the need for repair or cleaning in any of the common areas should report this to the Reception Desk. Please do not give work instructions to a staff member or Meridian contractor.
Moving In or Moving Out
Do I have to schedule my move-in (move-out)?All moves must be scheduled in advance with the Reception Desk. Moves will be scheduled on a first-come, first serve basis. No more than one move will be scheduled for any given day. All moves must be conducted between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. Moves must be completed no later than 6:00 PM. No moves are permitted on the weekend. A security deposit is required for all moves. Please see the Reception Desk for complete information or refer to the Meridian
Rules and Regulations section on Moving In and Moving Out.